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Our trains are the pride of KOCHI

Our trains are the pride of KOCHI

Welcome to Kochi prefecture. Our trains are good service to Shimanto River, Ashizuri and Muroto cape.

Do you have a RailPass?

Do you have a RailPass?

All Shikoku Rail Pass is valid for our all lines.

Limited Express to Shimanto River

Limited Express to Shimanto River

Direct service from Okayama, Kochi to Nakamura (Shimanto city) and Sukumo.

FREE rent a bag for your bike

FREE rent a bag for your bike

FREE rent a bag for your bike from Kochi Ryoma Airport, Nahari, Aki, Noichi, Kochi, Nakamura, Sukumo stations.

●●basic informations

Best Value! All Shikoku Rail Pass

1,100-kilometer trip connects the railways of Shikoku island

Valied for all Tosa Kuroshio Lines, JR Shikoku Lines and the other railway lines inside Shikoku

Japan Rail Pass is NOT valied for our lines

Please buy the extra charge for our lines, for Japan Rail Pass users.

In case of your destination is Nakamura station (Shimanto city) as Japan Rail Pass holders, please buy the extra charge ticket and Limited Express fee from Kubokawa to Nakamura.

Fare and Timetable

Our all Limited Express and Rapid service trains are direct service from/to Kochi (Main) station.

Also Limited Express NAMPU are direct service from/to Okayama station. It's very easy access with Shinkansen.

Train status

In case of emergency or disaster, we will release the information for our train in English.

When our train delay or suspend, we will release the information for our train's status in English by twitter or facebook.

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for detail

Time table






土佐くろしお鉄道株式会社 公式ウェブサイト
TOSA KUROSHIO TETSUDO (Railway) Co.,Ltd. all rights reserved.

design and photo direction by Yasuyuki KAWANISHI + ICHIBANSEN / nextstations



  • 四万十くろしおライン(中村・宿毛線)〒787-0014 高知県四万十市駅前町7-1 tel.0880-35-4961(中村駅)

  • ごめん・なはり線 〒784-0010 高知県安芸市東浜300-4   tel.0887-34-8800(安芸駅)

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